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How to write a meaningful letter to a friend (with prompts) - Honest Paper

How to write a meaningful letter to a friend (with prompts)

How to Write a Heartfelt Letter to Your Friend As we navigate the ups and downs of life, there are few things more precious than a true friend who is always there for us. Whether it's sharing a laugh, lending a listening ear, or offering a shoulder to cry on, our friends provide a source of comfort and support that is truly invaluable. In this blog post, we'll show you how to write a heartfelt letter to your friend, using prompts that will help you reflect on your relationship, express your gratitude, and deepen your connection. 1. What Reminded You of Your Friend Lately? Begin by reflecting on what reminded you of your friend lately. Perhaps you saw a photo of the two of you, or you heard a song that brought back memories of a special moment you shared. Whatever it is, use that as a starting point to reflect on the role your friend has played in your life, and how they have enriched your experiences. Shop our beautiful range of letter writing paper 2. Write Down Your Favourite Shared Memory (in Vivid Detail!) Now, think back to your favourite shared memory with your friend, and write about it in vivid detail. Recall the sights, sounds, and emotions of that moment, and reflect on how it shaped your friendship. Perhaps it was a time when you overcame a challenge together, or a moment when you realised just how much you meant to each other. By revisiting this memory, you can deepen your connection and reflect on the growth you've experienced as friends. Shop awesome pens 3. Name Five Things You Love About Your Friend Next, take some time to reflect on what you love most about your friend. Consider their unique qualities, their strengths, and the way they make you feel. Be specific and heartfelt in your reflections, highlighting the things that make your friend truly special to you. By doing so, you can remind them of their value and inspire them to continue being the amazing person they are. 4. What Do You Love and Miss Most About Your Friend? In addition to reflecting on what you love about your friend, take some time to think about what you miss most when they're not around. Perhaps it's their infectious laughter, their unwavering support, or their ability to lift your spirits when you're feeling down. By sharing these thoughts with your friend, you can deepen your connection and remind them of the unique role they play in your life. 5. Write About the Very First Time You Met Your Friend Finally, reflect on the very first time you met your friend, and how your relationship has evolved since then. Consider the moments of joy, the challenges you've faced together, and the growth you've experienced as individuals and as friends. By revisiting this moment, you can deepen your appreciation for your friend and reflect on the journey you've taken together. Conclusion Writing a letter to your best friend can be a powerful way to reflect on your relationship, express your gratitude, and deepen your connection. By taking the time to reflect on your memories, your feelings, and your journey together, you can create a heartfelt letter that speaks to the true depth of your friendship. So, take some time to sit down and write a letter to your best friend today, and let them know just how much they mean to you. Shop our beautiful range of letter writing paper

How To: An Introduction to Wax Sealing - Honest Paper

How To: An Introduction to Wax Sealing

Looking to add a touch of elegance and charm to your crafts or correspondence? Learn how to make a perfect wax seal using wax beads, a burner, a candle, and a spoon! With easy-to-follow steps, you can create a masterpiece that's uniquely yours. From choosing your favourite wax beads to pressing with passion and tidying up with finesse, this fun and rewarding DIY project is sure to leave a lasting impression. So get ready to unleash your creativity and make your mark with a stunning wax seal!

How do erasable pens work? - Honest Paper

How do erasable pens work?

Erasable Pens - How Do They Work? Around here at Honest Paper, we love our Legami Erasable Pens; with their veritable menagerie of animal themes and colours, they’re sure to put a smile on the face of any stationery lover! But we got to thinking - what makes these pens tick? How can ink be erasable? Our hypothesis was that the heat from the friction of the eraser was what erased the ink. Seems obvious. But to test this heat theory, we wrote some things down in a notebook and left it in a  hot car for a few days. Lo and behold, once we retrieved the notebook, we saw that the writing was indeed gone.  That wasn’t enough for us though, we wondered, if heat alone can erase the ink, can it be returned by low temperatures? Why, yes it can; we subjected the notebook to the cold embrace of a freezer and after a little while, the writing had reappeared like magic! So the ink doesn’t really erase, what’s at play here - is it truly sorcery or something else? Well, the mechanism of erasure depends on the kind of ink the pen uses. Back in the day, erasable pens used a kind of rubber cement, which acted like a liquid when the pressure of writing was applied. It could be removed immediately after writing, but after a few hours it would harden and become permanent. Since the late nineties most erasable pens use what’s called ‘thermochromic’ ink. This special ink uses a fancy, little bit of chemistry to make it seem like the ink has been erased. The pigment contains something called Leuco dye, which, when it is chemically bonded to certain molecules, has colour and looks like regular ink. But when it is heated above a certain temperature (usually around 60°C), it reacts with a special, temperature sensitive compound, which breaks the bonds, rendering the dye invisible to the naked eye. And as you might expect, when you make it really cold, the bonds can reform, bringing its colour back into the world! So, there you go - a little bit of the science that goes into erasable pens! While, they’re cool and useful for everyday writing, but just remember never to write or sign any important documents with them. You may find that your signature comes and goes with the seasons… Shop Erasable Pens Written by our awesome team member Luke :) 

Ballpoint vs Rollerball: What's the difference? - Honest Paper

Ballpoint vs Rollerball: What's the difference?

When it comes to choosing a writing tool, there are a lot of options to consider. Two popular choices are rollerball pens and ballpoint pens. While both types of pens serve the same purpose, there are some key differences between them that can make a big difference in the writing experience. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at rollerball pens and ballpoint pens, compare their pros and cons, and help you decide which type of pen might be best for your needs. Whether you're a professional writer, a student, or just someone who enjoys jotting down notes, this comparison will give you a better understanding of the differences between these two popular types of pens. Shop Ballpoint Pens  Shop Rollerball Pens How does a pen work? Both ballpoints and rollerballs, as the names suggest, apply ink to a surface via a tiny, rolling ball in the tip or ‘nib’ of the pen. Gravity brings the ink down to the ball and as you write, the ball moves around, simultaneously applying the ink to the writing surface, while also allowing new ink to meet the surface of the ball.  So, while ballpoints and rollerballs work by the same mechanism, the major difference is in the type of ink that they use; ballpoints use a thicker oil-based ink and rollerballs use water-based ink, similar to that of fountain pens. History The original patent for the first ballpoint pen was made in 1888, by the American Lawyer, John J. Loud. He wanted a pen that could write on rough materials such as wood & leather, which a fountain pen was simply not suited for. His patent contained a rotating steel ball placed in a socket. Though his pen was able to write on the rough surfaces that he intended, it was far too coarse for typical paper. The ballpoint, as we know it today, was created by Hungarian journalist László Bíró in the 1930s. He became frustrated with the messiness and slow-drying, smudge-prone ink of the pens of the day. He and his brother György devised an oil-based, quick-drying, paste ink similar to that used for newspapers. They combined their new ink and the ball-in-socket design, and thus the ballpoint pen was born and has since become the most common writing instrument in the world due to its low cost, ease of use and convenience.  Following World War II, ballpoint pens were introduced to Japan by Americans, and in 1949, Japanese ink manufacturer, OHTO, began developing Japan’s first ballpoint. In 1963, OHTO’s founder Nakata Tozaburo, thought about a pen that was as easy to use as a ballpoint, but had the flow and smoothness of a fountain pen. So by using a less viscous, water-based ink, with the ballpoint design, the world’s first rollerball appeared. Pros and Cons The most obvious advantage of a ballpoint is its cost. Ballpoint pens are often very affordable and accessible and while some are refillable, many are disposable. Another big advantage is its oil-based ink, which is quick-drying and due to its viscosity, less likely to leak and can be used to write on many different types of surfaces.  And what about rollerballs? While the rollerball is generally more costly and not as versatile as the ballpoint, the water-based ink offers a different, arguably greater writing experience. Since the ink is less viscous, more flows from the pen, allowing the pen to glide across the page more easily, allowing for smoother writing and also requiring less force to produce a line, which may reduce hand strain from writing for long periods. It also usually results in a darker, ‘richer’, more consistent line.    The downside to this ink is that because of the low viscosity and higher rate of flow, the ink will run out more quickly and it has a tendency to ‘bleed’ through low-quality or thin paper and has a minimally higher drying time compared to ballpoint pens, which could lead to smudging.   The ink is not the only factor that contributes to the higher price of rollerballs. Often, they have superior build quality and are designed to be long-lasting and durable and usually have the option to be refilled. Rollerballs generally have sturdier, weightier and a more ‘premium’ or classic feel to their construction and appearance. Many fountain pen manufacturers produce rollerball versions of their most popular fountain pen models, such the LAMY Safari and Kaweco Sport and even in some of the mid to high-end models such as the Kaweco Student, so the quality of these pens cannot be matched by most ballpoints. Some of our favourite rollerballs are the $25 Fox & Fallow Rollerballs. They are smooth to write with while affordable AND refillable! Summary Ballpoint Pros: Affordable and readily available Thicker ink dries more quickly and smudges less Versatile; can write on any paper and many surfaces Cons Requires more pressure to produce lines Lines produced can be inconsistent Often disposable, lower build-quality or uses cheaper materials Rollerball Pros Writes more smoothly and with more consistent, darker lines Requires less pressure to write with, potentially reducing the risk of hand cramping and strain Often higher build quality, more durable and can be refilled Cons Typically more expensive than ballpoints The thinner ink can ‘bleed’ through lower quality paper, dries slightly less quickly than ballpoints and can run out more quickly  What do you think? What is your favourite?  Shop All Pens

Floriography: The Language of Flowers by Apothecary Artist - Honest Paper

Floriography: The Language of Flowers by Apothecary Artist

‘With the world changing so fast and the loss of nature on a global scale - it just inspires me to cherish all the beauty and diversity that we have and to work harder to become more sustainable and share everything I can. I know you love nature too and I'm so grateful for your love and support.’ — Apothecary Artist As you may have seen, over these last few months, we've shared alot about the much anticipated Daymaker Stationery x Apothecary Artist 'Floriography' collection. So far, the range includes little notepads, note cards and some original paintings but there’s plenty more to come! Yes, the series is gosh darn beautiful but there’s a whole lot more to it that you may not know!  At the very heart of this series is one Dr Lewis, or as you may already know her Apothecary Artist. Her work focuses on the delicate balance of science and history and how it is manifested in the very genesis of fine art; it's medium. She aims to bring historical painting methods and recipes to modern evolution through the lens of sustainability and a deep love of nature.  ‘…I make art, I draw and paint, study, research and explore the recipes and techniques once used by artists throughout the centuries. Sometimes feeling more like a chef than a modern-day painter, I work with deliciously luscious ingredients eggs, vodka, walnuts, pomegranates and more. Every day in the studio is an exhilarating learning experience, as I explore the chemistry, the Botanics of painting and turn it into new art.’  In order to understand Apothecary Artists’ genius and how deeply holistic this 'Floriography' series is, we must understand where it began.  Dr Lewis’ life’s work began as a child travelling through Europe with her family. She had fallen in love with the old paintings and was eager to learn to create art like the greats. Like any aspiring artist, she went to art school. Only to discover a lack of education regarding historic art methods and their mediums.  So, she taught herself.  It became a lifelong journey of discovering wonderful ingredients that represented the time. She found layers and layers of history in the materials, techniques and skills, that would otherwise be lost. Each ingredient and recipe are clues to the synergy society and culture have with art.  And as a beautiful byproduct of her research, she found that these methods were so much more gentle on the planet. Being free from synthetics that end up in our ecosystem and damage the very plants we speak of, on a huge scale.  The series celebrates Dr Lewis’ research. For each flower represented, she created a natural pigment using said flower as the main ingredient. For example, the beautiful soft copper colour used to paint the Banksia was made from Banksia stems.  Floriography, for those curious, is ‘cryptological communication' through the use of flower arrangements or simply put; the language of flowers. Traditionally, however, floriography uses flowers from the Northern Hemisphere to form symbolism.  Dr Lewis wanted to create a floriography series that represented not only the traditional Northern Hemisphere symbology but Australian and Indigenous heritage and culture too. So, each posy became a kind of poem...  Banksia: protection, regeneration, discovery.Chamomile sunray: energy in action, patience, ingenuity.Lilli Pilli: friend of birds, you have my love, inspiration. Grevillea: impulsive acts of love, sweetness, abundance.Wattle: unity, national pride, resilience. While it is so special to share language, it is often the subtle representations of language that mean the most. We love everything about this collaboration and hope you will too! Browse the collection online here.

The Magic Pen - Honest Paper

The Magic Pen

To my dear left, ambidextrous and logical right handed friends,  THIS IS A SERIOUS MESSAGE! Being a certified (or uncertified hehe) lefty is a gift/curse situation. You’re obviously more talented and have that mysterious edge but scissors = nightmare and pens… Mother. Freaking. Pens.   Whether it’s a bouchée one from Honest Paper or that one from Woolies that’s been in your bag for years, there is a 98% chance your use of said pen will end in smudged/ illegible handwriting, dirty hands and a quiet sense of rage.  Lefties are generally less trusting people too. They have all had a moment of weakness where they bought into the whole ‘left-handed’ marketing, gotten their hopes up, only to be reminded once more that… it's all a lie.   So one day they just kind of give up. I know I did. I used the same boring mechanical pencil for no joke my entire teens and subsequent degree. Imagine rocking up to uni decked out in all Honest Paper only to top it all off with a regular old pencil. Sads.  Anywayyy, sceptical/triggered lefty here agreed to the ‘Bloom 3-in-1’ with zero faith it would be used conventionally. Rather, like the rest of my pens, more of an ornamental situation — pretty but largely irrelevant.  Mere hours later I discovered how truly wrong I was.   Here’s why   Firstly it’s magic — I was debating researching how it works but decided (somewhat selfishly) that I wanted to keep the magic alive for the ‘both of us’ (me).  But here’s what you need to know: It has 3 options (kind of 4 as there’s an eraser) — pencil, black and red pens Unlike regular 3-in-1 pens, it has only one clicky thing To change the pen you look at the option you want Click and voilà it’s ready for your enjoyment.  I think my single friends out there could acquire a lover from this trick — it's a great ice breaker.  Bloom or I like to call her Lizzy (after Queen Elizabeth you’ll understand entirely when you get your own) is the perfect pen for lefties, ambidextrous and logical rights for several reasons: No smudge on the pen options! — she has a light flow and slim neat lines  The pencil option is artist-worthy — doodler friendly!  Weighted yet light — you won’t get cramps like with those standard 3-in-1 pens  Has it all for the girl/guy/they who can’t decide — plus practical Doesn’t drag/ pull — unspoken lefty woe Pretty on all paper — including rock and recycled Chic enough for ornamental use but it won’t be on display much, trust me, you’ll be using her always. My point (finally): In one pen I went from mediocre traumatised and sceptical of anything ‘pen’ — entirely unwilling to convert. To completely obsessed, ready to get my pen licence and feel like the cool kid I always dreamed of being.  My only wish is that you will be too.    Lots of Love,  Rosa  P.s special thanks to the HP team for making excellent choices so I don’t have to P.p.s you look good today

What to do in Newcastle NSW - Honest Paper

What to do in Newcastle NSW

Ps. This beautiful image of Newcastle's coastline (taken by Jacob Shultz) is available in a range of cards and postcards as well, a perfect keepsake of your visit. Thinking of taking a trip to Newcastle? You won't have been the first to come in store to tell us you’ve found us on TikTok and travelled to come to visit! And for good reason, we are of course the most beautiful stationery store there is! And very unbiased! But what to do once you get here?? You can, of course, hang out with us all day buuut if you want to make ‘a day’ of it, here’s a guide to what we think you can do while you’re here :) Newcastle; NSW's favourite ‘up and coming’ beach town has recently surpassed its ‘up and coming’ title and graduated to fully fledged ‘place to be’. There is truly plenty to do here so do stray from this guide where you please!   Breakfast at Mr.Sister First stop coffeeeeee (obvi). Newcastle is known for having some damn good coffee so I promise I won't lead you astray with something mediocre. We hit the jackpot when we moved to the east end because Mr.Sister moved too (we are right next door)! Anyway, they have an amazing coffee menu from all over the world plus delicious sweet and savoury pastries (yes pies too) and toasties!   Shopping at the East End (Honest Paper) This is the main event… Honest Paper! We love to meet people from all over, so come say hi to our staff and let us know where you’re from! Best to make use of our free gift warping and if you’ve fallen in love with something you don’t want to carry around all day we will take care of it for you while you explore :) We have so many beautiful locally owned shops in the East End but here are some of our favourites :)Studio Melt X High tea w Mrs Woo — handmade, artisan clothing, homewares and accessoriesMoral Store — sustainable homewares & lifestyle goodsThe Lair — designer clothes and accessories    Lunch at Susuru After all of this shopping, you’re definitely hungry so I won't lead you too far away. There are plenty of cafes and restaurants around but we are loving Susuru at the moment!Choose from Spicy Miso Butter, Tonkotsu, Katsu Curry, Vegan Curry and Shoyu flavours. They take the utmost care in the preparation of each ingredient and extracting their flavours over many hours to produce soups bursting with umami taste and complemented with noodles cooked to perfection.   A Walk to the Lighthouse Gallery One cannot experience Newcastle without spending some time enjoying the stunning scenery and exploring a bit of its rich history. It’s worth your time to take a walk to the Lighthouse Gallery. Lighthouse Arts on Nobbys-Whibayganba headland showcases a range of events and exhibitions supporting the region's unique and diverse local artists, culture and tourism. Lighthouse Arts is led by a diverse group of cultural leaders and professionals who seek to protect and celebrate Awabakal culture, historic and maritime heritage and provide a safe and collaborative space for local artists while celebrating the region’s iconic landmark.   Dinner with Scotties by the Ocean Just off Newcastle beach, there is a gorgeous restaurant that serves the best fish & chips in town. They offer your standard fish & chips along with gourmet snacks and a great alcohol selection. Take a short walk down Zaara Street, to the ocean and enjoy an evening by one of Australia’s most beautiful beaches. We really love meeting you and sharing our beautiful town so if you have any questions or would like more Newcastle recommendations make sure to let our staff know or contact us on socials!

Mother’s Day Gift Guide - Honest Paper

Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Hi friends, Yay Mother’s Day is nearly here! This year, and every other, we are celebrating mother figures from all walks of life. Whomever that may be, to you. It's sometimes hard choosing gifts for mums as nothing represents the love, appreciation and thanks you have for them. But we can certainly try!I like to think of myself as a superior gift giver so I’ve put together a list of gifts to help you decide 💖 Under $20   Scalloped Agenda $16.95If mum is a stationery enthusiast like we are, she’s going to loooovveeee this one! Designed for organisation without constraint, ‘The Agenda’ allows freedom for self-direction with two equal parts dedicated to checklists and free space. With an absence of headings, ‘The Agenda’ allows users to innovate their planning in a way that suits an ever-changing schedule. The tear-off feature affords the option to compartmentalise each day by either storing for future viewing or simply throwing away!Pair this with a Ballograf ($7.95) pen and you have yourself a well-rounded gift fit for a stationery lover!   Under $50   Recipe $49.95Sharing a cookbook with mum is an investment that can be enjoyed now, in 10 years and beyond, I promise.Writing a recipe book has so many advantages. More obviously it helps organise the recipes you love and of course, makes it easier to choose what to eat. But more importantly, it has a generational feel. Share recipes with the family now, and pass them down to your kids later. It’s a creative project that is practical, fun and affords a call to your loved ones. We have a few options for recipe books but a current fav is the ‘Recipe’ Book from Fox & Fallow. It has a gorgeous linen hardcover, gold foil gilded edges and premium FSC-certified acid-free paper.   Meeraboo Candles $44.95Candles aren’t overdone! I repeat! Candles are not overdone! They remain a diverse and thoughtful gift for all occasions🙂 Ok, now that’s over with I have a candle for you. Meeraboo ‘Honey & Hay’ Brass Lid Soy Candle. Notes: Tobacco + Amber + Honey I would describe this candle as sweet elegance. Just like mum. The Meeraboo candle maker Deb, is a dairy farmer and has been milking cows for over 40 years! Turns out she has a talent for candle making! Her candles are made from 100% natural soy wax, fragrance oil and lotsss of love! The jars are made from high-quality glass, the lid is brushed copper with a seal to keep the candle fresh. The lid is designed to be used as a base for the lit candle to keep furniture cool.   Five Minute Journal $49.95 'Think of the feeling that arises when you smile nostalgically at an old photo of yourself. Imagine if you could have the same experience by just flipping to a certain day in a specific year in your life: you could zoom in on who you were, what you did, and how you felt on that day. It will be your own chronicle of memories, ideas and dreams'The Five Minute Journal is a truly thoughtful and healing gift to give to mum or anyone you'd like to bless this Mother's Day!‘Gee journaling is something I'd really love to practice'. We have all said it… we have all heard it. It’s often hard to start, and if it isn’t, it's hard to keep the momentum. The Five Minute Journal is aimed at combatting the barriers we give to ourselves.The Five Minute Journal focuses on beginning and ending your day on a positive note by asking simple questions and reflecting.With time, we embody and regulate evolution in varied manifestations of what ‘good’ means to us. And what seems tricky and confronting, becomes cathartic and healing. Under $100   Wax Sealing ‘Creators’ Bundle $84.95Wax sealing is for sure a favourite in the Honest Paper world, and for good reason. Wax sealing adds that special kind of something extra to cards and gifts whilst also being deeply enjoyable and satisfying to make!It’s fun collecting different colours and patterns (maybe even a bespoke hehe). You can really get creative with them! Add flowers; sparkles; play around with mixing colours whatever you like! The 'Creators' Bundle is great as it has everything you need. It comes with the stand, candles, spoon, stirrer and wax plus a mat and adhesive backings so you can play around with them as much as you’d like, ready to stick onto presents and cards in the future 🙂 Over $100   ‘Student’ Fountain Pen $134.95If you’re looking for something truly special look no further. Kaweco’s gorgeous Student Fountain Pen is a love note to history as well as Kaweco’s own origins. Made from high-quality precious resin it guarantees haptic and visual writing pleasure and comes in 4 colourways that celebrate the different eras. The golden 20’s ‘Brown Jazz’ represents an exuberant time. With brown tones, feather bowers, cigarette lace and pinstriped suits. Celebrating a feast of elegance and Jazz. 50’s ‘Blue Rock’ marks the reconstruction and prosperity after the Second World War. The cultural flourish after the storm and rock music. 60s ‘Green Swing’ celebrates a soft organic green with golden elements; an ode to the swinging 60s of harmony and peace. ‘Orange Soul’ reminisces the iconic 70’s patterns. The decade of ‘sharp extremes’, a time of upheaval and change. Choose based on the era or pick the colour you like, either way, these pens are of superior quality and oh so so beautiful! Happy Mother’s Day to all mother figures, you truly make our wolds go round 🥰Lots of love, Rosa
